PlasmaLift Plasma Soft Surgery is a revolutionary treatment for the skin that will change the way we approach anti-aging!
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PlasmaLift Plasma Soft Surgery is a revolutionary treatment for the skin that will change the way we approach anti-aging! This technology is taking the cosmetic world by storm!
There are many names for the PlasmaLift procedure; this treatment is also known as Softlift, Plasma Soft Surgery, Fibroblast Skin Tightening, PlasmaPen Treatment, Plasma Soft Surgery, Fibroblast Soft Surgery, Fibroblast Skin Resurfacing and Non-surgical Plasma Treatment!
All of these treatments stem from the same medical theory that the skin and the body has the ability to reconstruct its self. PlasmaLift is a new revolutionary non surgical lift treatment is highly effective, remarkable alternative to surgery.
It works by "zapping" the excess skin on the upper eyelid with a plasma current which removes excess skin by a process called sublimation. It is a very safe and effective treatment.

Some of the conditions which may be treated by Plasma Lift include:

• eyelid tightening
• facelift
• wrinkle reduction
• neck tightening
• reduction of the upper lip wrinkles
• stretch marks and scars
• reduction of loose skin on knees, hands and elbows
• skin tags
• moles (GP’s permission needed)
• age spots/ warts/ milia
• melasma
• Acne/ acne scars
• Spider veins
What is the process of having treatment?

• You will require a consultation appointment which will be FREE of charge and will assess your suitability for treatment - this will last 30 minutes.
• Providing you are suitable and wish to proceed you will then be booked for your treatment appointment which will be 1 hour in total - this is 10 minutes for pre-treatment preparation, 30 minutes for the anaesthetic cream to work on the eyes and 20 minutes performing the procedure.
• You will then have a follow up appointment in 7-14 days to check the result.

What does the treatment involve and is it painful?

The actual treatment takes no more than 20 minutes and generally speaking it is not a painful procedure as medical grade local anaesthetic cream is applied for 30 minutes before the treatment so the upper eyelid is numb – some patients report a mild burning or tingling sensation but it is generally well tolerated.

Do I need time off work after treatment?

Generally speaking most people get the treatment done on a Friday and Return to work on a Monday- we can provide you with camouflage makeup(*) to cover the marks from treatment which can last 3-5 days.

What are the risks/complications?

Plasma Lift is very safe, it can even be used on the inner rim of the eye. The side effects of treatment are:
• Redness
• Crusting of the skin (a thin crust forms over the area treated and can last for 3-5 days)
• Swelling (for up to 7 days)
• Soreness/itching at the treatment site (for up to 7 days)

Prior to treatment the medical practitioner you see at Dr Leah clinic will discuss the treatment in detail with you, including a thorough review of the risks/complications and how to look after the treated area to ensure you get the best results.

When will I see results?

You will see immediate results and the treated area will continue to improve for 3 months after your treatment.

How many treatments do I need?

This depends on how much skin there is on the eyelid to remove - as a general guide:
• Patients in their 30's: x 1 treatment
• Patients in their 40's: x 2 treatments (6 weeks apart)
• Patients in their 50's: x 3 treatments (6 weeks apart)
• Patients 60's + tend to need 3-4 treatments (6 weeks apart)

Your practitioner will assess during your initial FREE consultation the degree of eyelid hooding and how many treatments you will require for optimum results.

How long do the results last?

Although this is a lasting treatment, the skin will continue to age and eventually you may see problems such as wrinkles, saggy skin etc re-appear (usually after 5+ years). This is a normal process of ageing and the Revive Laser treatment can simply be repeated again.

Advantages vs. Surgery:

• No injectable anaesthetic required
• No cutting of skin
• No stitches required
• Very low risk procedure (NO risk of blindness as there is with surgery)
• Minimal side effects and far less downtime
• Quick & easy procedure
• No thinning of the skin
• Significantly cheaper than surgery