Photo-skin rejuvenation is a collection of entirely safe, entirely non-surgical procedures that help you to both improve the quality and appearance of your skin, as well as to maintain the youth and beauty you already posses.
Treatment Price
Full Face: £50 / Face, Neck & Decolletté: £75
The Treatment
Photo-skin rejuvenation is a collection of entirely safe, entirely non-surgical procedures that help you to both improve the quality and appearance of your skin, as well as to maintain the youth and beauty you already posses. The treatments work wonders for all skin blemishes, going as far as improving cellulite, active acne, acne scars and even reduce the appearance of stretch marks.
We all acquire damage to our skin throughout our lives, exposure to the sun is chief amongst the causes of deterioration. Pigmented spots, enlarged pores, fine lines, age spots and dull complexion are all issues that have a solution. Creams and lotions are used by thousands of people all over the UK in an attempt to resolve these issues but many only go so far as the surface of the skin.

Photo-skin rejuvenation improves both the superficial and deeper skin layers, resulting in an entire rejuvenation, including reduction or removal of blemishes. It is a solution that really works, no need to spend hours reading up on a hundred different bottles or pots of cream to see which one will work for you. Come and see our specialists and they can help you achieve what you may have thought impossible.

What happens in a session?

Each Photo-skin session will involve the use of our specialised equipment that fires concentrated beams of light (more commonly called ‘lasers’). Each time the laser fires the patient would normally feel a small sting on the surface of the treated area but we have invested in technology to make these treatments more comfortable. Pain thresholds are different for everyone but there is no lasting effect, aches, or pains after our sessions. Perfect for popping in during a spare lunch hour or before picking up the kids.

How many treatments will I need?

A regular course of treatments is around six sessions, however our advanced equipment can provide perfect results in just one session! You will notice your skin feeling smoother and revitalised soon after treatment, with additional sessions improving the condition of your skin further and gently improving or removing any blemishes or fine line wrinkles you may have.